Learning as a Lifelong Endeavor

It is said that you learn something new every day. Can you point to something you learned today? How about yesterday… or the day before? If you can honestly answer “yes,” then good for you! If you answered “no,” or…

TGIF Every Day

Thank goodness it’s Friday! Life seems so wonderful when Friday rolls around. Getting out of bed is easier on Friday mornings. People at the office are cheerier on Fridays. What if you could experience the sense of optimism, anticipation, and…

Lend a Helping Hand

If you are reading this blog, chances are good that you were fortunate enough to be born in a developed, industrialized nation.  Most of us probably take for granted privileges that people in other countries can only dream about.  For…

Get a Stanford Education for Free…

Well, sort of. Did you know you have free access to courses, seminars, interviews, and speeches from Stanford through iTunes? Numerous other colleges and universities, from UCLA to Yale to Wellesley, also offer a range of free content through iTunes…

Remembering Birthdays

“The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once.” – H. V. Prochnow Have you ever been pleasantly surprised by a “Happy Birthday” card or gift from someone you didn’t expect to remember your special day?…

Danger of Pet Peeves

Do you have any pet peeves? Do you get annoyed when someone puts the toilet paper roll on “the other way” or when your mate squeezes the toothpaste in the middle of the tube? Are you easily aggravated by certain…